Breastfeeding I Babysleep I Baby food

Attachment-oriented family support
If you are looking for competent, individual and personal lactation consultation, sleep consultation, Formula consultation or baby food consultation, then I am you person.
Additionally I give workshops on "weaning after the age of 1" and "baby and toddler sleep".

Lactation consultation
During a lactation consultation, it is my goal to accompany you as a breastfeeding expert. I support you with the start of your breastfeeding journey as well as at the end of your breastfeeding journey.
Do you live and need a lactation consultation in Munich or do you live nearby? Then a home visit is the right option for you. I also provide online consultation throughout Germany and worldwide.

Breastfeeding and sleep are closely linked. My babysleep consultations are individual and my recommendations are adapted to you.
I don't offer sleep training #stopsleeptraining.
Do you live and need a babysleep consultation in Munich or do you live nearby? Then a home visit is the right option for you. I also provide online consultation throughout Germany and worldwide.
Find out more about my services here.

formula advice
There can be an incredible number of reasons why a baby cannot be (fully) breastfed. I support you in choosing the suitable formula for your baby and I will advise you in the areas of "paced bottle feeding" and "mindful feeding with the bottle".
Do you live and need a formula consultation in Munich or do you live nearby? Then a home visit is the right option for you. I also provide online consultation throughout Germany and worldwide.

Baby Food
The timespan in which a baby is fully breastfed is relatively short. Soon the topic of "solid food" will come up. My concept is "solids as needed" and combines a wide variety of options for giving your child suitable foods for their first meals.
Do you live and need a babyfood consultation in Munich or do you live nearby? Then a home visit is the right option for you. I also provide online consultation throughout Germany and worldwide.
Find out more about my services here.

formula advice
There can be an incredible number of reasons why a baby cannot be (fully) breastfed. I support you in choosing the suitable formula for your baby and I will advise you in the areas of "paced bottle feeding" and "mindful feeding with the bottle".
Do you live and need a formula consultation in Munich or do you live nearby? Then a home visit is the right option for you. I also provide online consultation throughout Germany and worldwide.