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Why do I need complementary food advice?
The period in which a child is exclusively breastfed or exclusively bottle-fed is relatively short. The questions soon arise:
- When is the best time to start with complementary food?
- what is the best way to offer this?
- What options do I have here as a parent?
- will my child still be sufficiently supplied with nutrients?
If you deal with different complementary food concepts, you will notice that some of them are incompatible. Baby Led Weaning and Baby Led Weaning, on the other hand, "demonize" baby-led weaning with baby-led weaning. It doesn't have to be like that.
My concept is called "complementary food as needed" - I will provide you with the necessary information and you as a family decide what suits you individually. Whether porridge or finger food or a mixture of both - everything is possible!
My goal is to give you a relaxed way into complementary food and to prepare you for this process.
Possible topics are:
The complementary food start
The right complementary food for you as a family
General questions about the complementary feeding situation
fear of choking
My child does not eat / little
reduction in breastfeeding
All these questions and many more can be clarified in an individual and personal complementary food consultation. I advise you online, by phone or on site - you can find an overview of my priceshere.